Peel Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Health Column

World Bipolar Day

World Bipolar Day

1 in 50 Australian adults experience Bipolar disorder each year. March 30 is World Bipolar Day.

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The Importance of Kidney Health

The Importance of Kidney Health

March 11 was World Kidney Day, a yearly reminder of how important it is to keep your kidneys healthy. Read more about the importance of kidney health.

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Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month

Approximately three women across Australia die every day from ovarian cancer. This Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month, learn more about the common warning signs.

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Love your heart this Valentine’s Day

Love your heart this Valentine’s Day

One person suffers a heart attack every four minutes and this doesn't stop for Valentine's Day. The best thing you can do for your loved ones is make sure you are heart healthy.

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Healthy beach habits

Healthy beach habits

As the weather warms up many of us cool down in the ocean. Here’s some tips to make sure it’s a positive experience.

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Emergency Department

Thanks for your patience during record ED presentations

More than 1200 people presented to the Peel Health Campus Emergency Department from Christmas Day to New Year’s Eve, sending records tumbling for the hospital.

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new year resolution

Our five New Year’s Resolutions for 2021

Here’s five ways to take care of yourself and your family in 2021.

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kickstart recovery grant

Helping our community recover

“People caring for people” is the underlying philosophy of everything we do at Ramsay Health Care.

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Service awards

Recognising the work of our amazing volunteers

This Saturday is International Day of the Volunteer and to celebrate, we’re recognising the incredible work of our Friends of the Hospital team.

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Spring gardening

Training and infection control results shine at Peel Health Campus

Our 2019-2020 Annual Report reveals the extent of support delivered to staff in the early stages of COVID-19, particularly in relation to the use of personal protective equipment and infection control measures.

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Service awards

Our amazing team

Ramsay Health care has a dedicated, experienced team of almost 900 staff who deliver quality care and support to the Peel community.

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Spring gardening

Top gardening tips for health

October is a fine time to get out in the garden and spring prompts a flurry of activity for gardeners who tackle weeds and plant new shrubs, trees, vegetables and herbs.

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Breast Cancer Awareness month

Supporting patients with breast cancer

October is Australia’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month which provides an opportunity for us all to focus on breast cancer and its impact on those affected by the disease in our community.

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Community Kick-start Recovery Grants

Providing a Kick-Start for our community

Peel Health Campus is launching a new community grants program to support local organisations to get back on their feet following the impact of COVID-19

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Looking after your mental health

Ramsay Health Care, together with Peel Health Campus, strongly supports R U OK? Day.

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Caring for the kids of Peel-Murray

Peel Health Campus is incredibly privileged to have a dedicated 12-bed paediatric facility catering specially to the children and young people of the Peel-Murray region.

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Supporting Peel's future medical workforce

Four future doctors currently studying medicine at Curtin University are gaining hands-on experience at Peel Health Campus in a new initiative for the hospital.

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New system stream lines coming to hospital

A new smart phone tool will streamline COVID-19 screening at Peel Health Campus.

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Our U14 sporting superstars

Receiving more than a dozen letters from local young soccer superstars buoyed spirits at Peel Health Campus.

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National Diabetes Week

Diabetes is a chronic health condition where the body has difficulty processing the carbohydrates in food because the pancreas does not make enough insulin, the insulin produced is ineffective, or a combination of both.

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Health at any age: 70s, 80s and beyond

Research on mental health as we hit our advanced years is split. On one hand, repeated studies have shown people tend to be happier from their 70s onwards, reporting higher levels of gratitude, peace and fulfilment.

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Thank you for your patience while we upgrade our ED

Work on an expansion of the Peel Health Campus Emergency Department (ED) is set to start next week and continue for about six months.

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Health at any age: 50s and 60s

All Australians turning 50 receive a birthday gift from the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program: A Faecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT) kit.

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Our incredible volunteers

It's National Volunteer Week and the absence of our 150 volunteers, whose activities have been suspended as a result of COVID-19, has made the heart grow fonder.

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Giving thanks to our nurses and midwives

Nurses and midwives are often present at the beginning and end of our lives - and anytime in between.

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Book in for your influenza vaccination now

Together we are facing an unprecedented, once-in-a-century health crisis caused by the COVID-19 virus. I ask everyone in the Peel region to consider getting vaccinated against influenza this year. Fewer cases of the flu means we have more resources to respond to COVID-19.

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Mental health during the pandemic

As a community we are coming to together to reduce the spread of COVID-19. One consequence is the impact social isolation has on mental health.

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School's Back

Is a sports injury an urgency, or emergency? When a young star gets an injury on the sporting field, knowing whether it's an emergency or can be managed by a GP can be a tough judgement call. Peel Health Campus Emergency Department physician Dr Andrew Walker helps clarify the issue.

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Health at any age: teens and 20s

Happily, young people are not a big cohort of patients we have at the hospital, but the reasons a young person might find themselves admitted can be serious.

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Peel nurses lead the way

A group of nurses straight out of university have come up with fresh ideas to improve patient services at Peel Health Campus (PHC). The nurses, who this month graduated from Ramsay Health Care's 'GradPlus' program, spent 2019 gaining clinical and theoretical experience across a number of different specialties at the hospital.

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Health at any age: 30s and 40s

The run-up to middle age is often some of the busiest years of a person's life, as they forge ahead with work and quite often start a family.

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Breast Cancer


While no single test can detect all breast cancers early, performing breast self-exam in combination with other screening methods can increase the odds of early detection. This month for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, reputable Peel Health Campus breast specialist, Dr Bindu Kunjuraman, tells Mandurah women what to look for when doing a breast check.

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Overweight and Obesity


Obesity has become a global crisis. It is the biggest burden on our health system after smoking. In this week’s column Peel Health Campus (PHC) dietitian, Clara Chan, informs readers of the serious problems linked to obesity, identifies the causes and gives some hints if you need to lose weight.

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Sleep deprivation

Sleep deprivation

Is daytime sleepiness stealing your spark? Do you struggle through your day in a fog of fatigue? In the lead-up to Sleep Awareness Week (5 – 11 August 2019), Peel Health Campus respiratory and sleep specialist Dr Justin Ng advises how much sleep is needed for sound health and function, and suggests ways to help you get a better night’s sleep.

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This is the first of a series of regular health related columns that will appear in the Mandurah Mail. Written in consultation with experts at Peel Health Campus (PHC) and Ramsay Health Care, these informative columns will address a range of different health topics. This week, PHC infectious diseases specialist, Dr Ben Clark, answers questions about the flu vaccination.

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Bowel cancer


Bowel cancer is the second deadliest cancer in the country, but with early detection the majority of cases can be treated successfully. To raise awareness during Bowel Cancer Awareness Month, Peel Health Campus (PHC) gastroenterologist, Dr Callum Pearce, reports on the signs and symptoms and importantly, what to do if you experience them.

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Baby weight


Baby weight is a common concern among new parents leading to many GP and specialist appointments. In this week’s column, Ramsay Health Care Paediatrician, Dr Ravisha Srinivas Jois, reports on weight gain in newborns – what is normal and when to worry.

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