Peel Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care

Visitor Information

Our standard visiting times are:

  • 8am to 8pm daily (rest period is encouraged between 12:30pm – 2:30pm)

Visiting numbers are:

  • A maximum of two visitors are permitted per patient (including next of kin)

Given heightened COVID in the community, it is recommended that visitors where a surgical mask in clinical areas.

In clinical areas with significantly vulnerable and immunocompromised patients (including emergency oncology, renal and Whelan Ward) patients are required to wear a surgical mask, at minimum.

There is no mandatory COVID-19 screening or RAT testing required for visitors, however, visitors should NOT attend the hospital if they are feeling unwell.

We welcome next of kin, guardians and/or partners in care 24-hours a day, according to our patient’s preference, wellbeing, and other patient and staff safety. However, visitor presence can be flexible according to patient needs in discussion with the treating nursing team.

Children may visit at the discretion of the patient and family but must be accompanied by a supervising adult at all times. Parents are very welcome to stay with their children on the paediatric ward.

Visitors are expected to behave in a manner appropriate to the wellbeing of all patients and hospital staff. Violence and aggression of any kind will not be tolerated.