Peel Health Campus
Part of Ramsay Health Care


More than 1900 compliments for Peel Health Campus

Aug 14, 2020

Patients, families and carers have showered more than 1900 compliments on Peel Health Campus, which is part of Ramsay Health Care, during FY2019-20, reflecting the hard work of staff and volunteers.

PHC Chief Executive Officer Andrew Tome said compliments provided to the hospital increased 31 per cent on the previous year to a total of 1915, or more than ten times the number of complaints received.

“This is a huge achievement for our team whose day-to-day work was heavily impacted by COVID-19. To be recognised by so many patients, families and carers for the quality of care provided is testament to their resilience and commitment,” he said.

“The majority of hospital staff and volunteers are from the Peel region, and they take great pride in providing care to this community. It is very satisfying for them to receive positive feedback from the community they serve.”

PHC is one of the biggest employers in Peel with more than 800 staff and a team of dedicated volunteers.

Complaints increased by 8 per cent to 182, up from 169 the previous year.

“I absolutely sympathise with anyone whose experience at PHC did not meet expectations. Every complaint a genuine opportunity to improve, and have made tangible changes to our operations based on patient feedback,” Mr Tome said.

In recent years, complaints to the hospital have prompted a program reminding staff to introduce themselves to patients called “…hello, my name is”, and an education program to educate staff on supporting families and carers of patients with cognitive impairment.

In addition, PHC achieved a Net Promoter Score of 69 (world class) for the year, up from 63.4 when the program was launched by Ramsay Health Care in 2018-19. The program was established to measure how well services meet expectations, and to identify any areas needing improvement. These surveys are independently conducted by a third party and are published quarterly.